Chapter 1 - The beginning

It had many sunny days on Happyard.
First of all, let me present better this book. I’m a storyteller and an apprendice of alchemist which is real. The fiction maybe exists in another planet. The planet I created has what people would love to see on Earth: Good pirates, superheroes, animals who knows speaking, women warriors, white mages and black mages, this is about Happyard.
The sky, celestial blue, sometimes yellow because of a shining Sun who creates the impression of a eternal morning, a day after day which still have a night. It was used to have a strong rain falling and Happyardians really needs this rain and water. The water in Happyard is made of a shining content who makes Happyardians keep sanity and happiness. It’s not about water on Earth, even water on Earth is elixir of life. For them, it’s more than drink water, it’s holy water who falls from the sky. They depends of rain, holy rain and they loves water but the ocean was never totally explored. Happyardians says there are civilizations under oceans and creatures that swimming for search lives. These creatures are evil, bad projections of evil feelings of the Happyardians who creates projections about evil feelings. Since this is a planet of happiness, the Happyardians feels anger only few sometimes for fool things, so they believe it exists a civilization of creatures of angers, just like abyssal fishes, but more like demons underwater and so they do respect under the oceans. Just one person gone to the ocean and returned to tell the story inside. And another warrior, who became the Happyard king and discovered the fountain under the ocean.
This fountain has spirits who are still with the Phoenix sword created for Archmists, a race of warriors for the Sun God. The Sun God and the Ocean God are like opposites. In just one few war, the Ocean God did a test for the Sun God: Which archmist would be strong enough for being the king? The Sun God sent all his exercite of Archmists for do battles against Oceanmists. The Archmists failed, so they decided to go for explore another areas in planets. Spaceships are usual in Happyard. They know Earth, they know Mars, they know many planets and make sure professional works like “Universal biologist” or “Universal medicine” exists, because are many planets to explore in universe.
Among the Archmists, the Sun God had a necessity to make a baby with a Happyardian which has witch attributes for the best warrior. This would be Happyard’s king. The Ocean God returned for his planet, but he kept hidden the Phoenix sword for years, inside under water in the center of the fountain. Without light the sword is a Shadow sword, because it needs light of a pure heart’s warrior to save the planet with it.
The Moon Goddesses are the female for the Sun Gods. Women in Happyard are usually Moon Goddesses, especially the Night mages, so the Sun God searched one of them for marry. He knew a dark side was coming to the planet and it’s not about the Ocean God, but dark times with a evil king which is the opposite to his own son.

For the creation of the planet, the Sun God did heaven, but for this heaven it was necessary a opposite exchange for it. Before considered a mistake, being a deep alchemist, the Sun God knew it’s not a mistake, but it was necessary. The another planet was the opposite of Happyard, called Necroyard, a place where the imagery and tensions are horror, anger and depression.  He created the world of Light, so it had the world of Shadow.
And there was the giant of this world, which control creatures for him like the beer king, a king called the King Abnormal. He was not wanting to become the king of his planet, but he had the ambition to be the king of Happyard also. So it was time for the Sun God need his son to save this world.
The King Abnormal travelled by a spaceship to Happyard. The Ocean God did nothing against it since he was with another planet with Archmists. “Abnormal” is the only nickname the Happyardians found to call him and with few intelligence this king accepted.
-What are you going to do with our planet?
A Happyardian asked. The King Abnormal said:
-I’m so powerful that I can take away the rain from this planet and you would depend just of me for happiness.  I can bring happiness for you in another ways: There are battles for watch, lust for free, everything you innocent Happyardians would never heard about, but you’ll love it.
The Happyardians did nothing against the king, they only observed how he ws powerful enough to make hide the Sun from the planet. The Necromists, his servants helped him to hide this Sun, replacing with a Sun satellite that creates fake rain without the power of happiness.
The Sun God knew since the beginning he would use a valve hidden on a place the Happyardians loves, a place called Cinema Diocturne. In this cinema, it had many presentations and arts, a thing they loves. This valve is where the dimensions of Happyard works. There are 4 dimensions:

  • -          Alternative Happyard
  • -          Happyard for bad people
  • -          Happyard for the “dead”, in this case, the Happyard for galaxy’s people who wants to visits without people know
  • -          The central and real Happyard that can make contact to someone of another planet

This valvule located in a clockwork makes Happyard works according to the dimensions but no one knows what kind of strange clockwork is it and what is this swivel valve.

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