Chapter 7 - Morgana story

-My story is very short. –Said Morgana Fada, a Night Mage.
A Persian cat, black and white walks slowly through the walls of the country Naturyard. All live daunted by the fact that traditional family of supernatural beings who reside there on a mountain near the city a cemetery and a red river strangely, that the legends say, is made entirely of blood, due to witchcraft.
The Persian cat thinks: The country remains the same after so many thousands of years. I remember that in the Middle Ages, things were simpler. People wanted to kill us at the stake, but today still condemn us somehow. Even if they have not courage enough to doom us to something so barbaric. –The cat jumps to another wall, approaching the cemetery and there already viewing wither supernatural eyes, a master black and tall with a huge top hat, sitting on one of the graves, several sewing voodoo dolls and white magic.
The man of voodoo says with a voice so deep, capable of freezing the soul .
- And then Morgana? How was your day? –He stopped tailoring closely one of dolls.
-I think I need glasses. I hate to put the needle on it here.
-Oh, it was the usual. Only myself turning into a cat to observe happyardians up close. –She jumps in one of the tombs and sits.

-I see that your day is full today, is not it, Uncle Samedi? Many people in Happyard asks to your to do some craft and magic works. Here no one dies, there’s a portal to another dimension in the chapel, but it seems thereare still people that wants to cause a confusion.
Samedi stops a little reflective, shows puppets one by one to Morgana, taking the hat, showing some respect for them .
- I'm so tired. Here's what they ask me in return: That I do voodoo on these guys. This one ...
- Shows a small doll and green, stitched all evil. -For example, is the head of a company that mistreats its employees ... and this one ... –He secures a larger, white. -He is the boyfriend of a girl who had a romance with her with just three months of dating. –He puts the hat again. –Happyardians who gives support to Necromists are vindictive! But that's my job.
- It's honest like everyone else, hahaha . –Morgana says laughing and down the grave and goes to the big house macabre of witchies.
-See you, Morgana. -With respect, Samedi bows and stitching continues the graveyard.
-Goodbye, Uncle Samedi! –She jumps the cemetery wall, which consists of slightly rotted railings, but still maintains an incredibly clean look and black, with well-swept leaves and roses in some corners.
Morgana goes walking through the gate of the house. Skyscrapers with his right paw, causing signal "I'm here" for the camera.

Ed Fada go for meet the door:
-Ohh! Is someone calling!!  -He was reading a scary book horror. He’s afraid of everything, he is unsafe, claustrophobic, antisocial, weak, extremely weak, allergic. A small man, almost bald, with unshaven, social clothes.
-Who can it be?!  -Holding a gadget asthma, begins to have an anxiety attack and walking all around the room.
Morgana says to him:
-This is me, Ed opens that door soon ... -Morgana sits outside with a bored face impatient and she can’t wait to get back to her original form.
-OH ! Morgana, you are here, thank God. –Said him, passing a hand through his short hair, until descends the stairs with the keys .  He takes a deep breath to try to lose the anxiety .
- Mo-Mo-Mo-Morgana, you can enter!! –He opens the door and does a reverence as a gentleman.
-Thank you Ed -The cat affectionately passes near his feet purring and then goes to the middle of the room. Begins to spin twice, then stands up and turns to something not unlike his feline appearance: A lady with long black hair, very fat, black lipstick and eyeliner eyes also black, bracelets and beads with stones, half -trawler, a huge hat, high-heeled boots, in short, a witch that is not very different from the traditional Black witches, only modernized, due to the time in which Night Mages forward in time.
-Ah, yes now! –She  raises the full skirt, throws her long hair back and grabs her stick against the wall.
-Hope you behaved, Ed, you are our servant, and our almost-adoptivelittle Night Mage. I know you does not have the blood of a brave Night Mage, much less is magical like us, but you are also worshiped.
- I. … -Ed has a hard time talking things, always very desperate and fragile.
- I was reading stories ... -He gives a smile barely noticed, his fingers touching each other and pick up the book he was reading.
-Someone came here? We have news?
-Yes. It’s about letters of Jekyll, the rabbit. He wants us at Cinema Diocturne.
-And so I’m here. –Said Morgana at the cinema.
-All right, let’s stop to tell stories and wait for a miracle. –Said Jekyll. I feel someone came here.

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