Chapter 8 - Dray Orcen, "The Loser"

It had reached the awaited day. Everyone was happy with their unicorns, dragons and pegasus. A few were mounted Griffins, but only the older competition. The sky was in pastel tones, atypical for this time of year in Naturyard’s periphery. Few were watching this race. Those who were there had deposited their votes on the best, leaving only two or three votes forDray Orcen, better known by his name of corridor, he liked it or not adopt that name, but everyone knew him as "The Loser" .

Nevy, a experienced racer said to Dray:
-Andray, hurry, the race is about to start. We here do not want to delay everything for your cause. –He said mounted on a beautiful pegasus, pointing his finger to the face of Dray.
-My unicorn refuses to run in the middle of a lot of people, he's shy. I'm trying to adapt it. –Said Dray, humble.
Molock looked to the both and laughed:
- Hahahahaha! This unicorn is such like owner! Look Dray, you are the one passed by here with an animal no one uses anymore since Abnormal King. Do you wants really to compete with a dragon and Pegasus? We have wonderful things and you do not.
Nevy continued:
- He still did not bind the fact that we are the best runners. You? Racer, Dray? Hahahaha ... Definitely not. Look at your face, your eyes, you look like a monster. Eyes of different colors, red curly hair. Girls do not like losers, Dray. Who are you trying to impress?
Larah looked to Dray, another racer and said, the only woman in the competition, adjusting a pink Pegasus:
-In addition to serving unicorns today? They are so horrible that even the great King Abnormal hates them. You are very unfashionable Dray! You're tacky, weird, poor and looks like a monster.
-He was cursed by Sevarah, the god of cats. Sevarah is an evil god and granted us this aberration. Tell me something, Dray ... –Molock pushes the Unicorn  and looks to the "Loser" face, looking into his eyes bicolored.
Dray Orcen just take a deep breath looking for serious Molock.
- Have you ever known what it is to kiss someone? –Molock says with a smile on his face abused . -Have you seen someone naked apart from your own mother?
Dray Orcen took a deep breath again, begins to close his fingers, concentrating all power in his left hand .. Strangely feel the head, in the forehead region, very hurting.
- ... Ah ... ah ... –He gave two steps back.

-Look! Hahahahaha he is an idiot ... –Molock assembles in Dragon, preparing for the competition . –Come on guys.
Larah said dispproving:  tsk tsk tsk ...- Looking to frown for Dray sitting with his hands on his forehead, goes to the line with the Pegasus.
And Nevy said: Once a loser, always a loser. –Running to riding with friends competitors.
Dray Orcen became quietly angry. The competition had already begun. For the first time in a competition, actually he gave up before it started. After all, why try again? Never took first place and was never praised.
-Come on, Sinnlos, this is not our place. –He said passing a hand through his unicorn, still feeling his head hurt too much.
The beautiful white unicorn Sinnlos realizes something strange coming from his owner. A pure energy brought forth on his forehead.
Dray Orcen and Sinnlos ride up a mountain region,  a home to the Virtrudes. The Virtrudes birds are beautiful and disproportionate in its forms and feathers. The colors are purple, green, red and blue, but the most usual are blue. They are huge birds and very friendly. They belong to the class of animals happyardians speakers.
Dray Orcen go down the Sinnlos amid the forest ...
-Hello?  -He asks looking for a beautiful bird, and not finding one, grabs a flute of his jacket, much like a indigenous harmonica and imitates the sound of a Virtrude, cute as a whistle.
Without success,  he goes to a high rock and yells from upstairs.
-Virtrudes, where are you?
All very quiet, someone throws a stone in the back of him.
-AH ... But who was the id ...?
Suddenly, Dray is attacked by one of the soldiers of the King Abnormal ...
-It's stuck! Bearer unicorn! You can not be trusted, "The Loser". And now in the holy land! This forest belongs to King Abnormal.
-AH ... –Dray spits a little bit of blood so he took a rock near of his face.
-Really? Nobody ever told me that before. The forest belongs to all of us, asshole.
The soldier pull the neck of Dray back as a threat.
 These are rules of the king. Come to this Mothrriage. You are condemned. It's stuck, bummer insane cursed.
- AHH ... Ahhhhh .. –Dray was feeling again the forehead hurt a lot, playing on his knees.
-Stop screaming like a woman! –The soldier grabbed a sword, preparing to force Dray to enter the Mothrriage.
 Dray shows his stubby canines, similar to that of a fox. The  appearance of him it resembles a fox: Very redhaired, bicolored eyes outlined with charcoal, and now strange blue and green veins and a strange marked on his forehead.  He gives a savage regouga, a cry strange and macabre fox scream.
- ... Aaaaaaaah ...-He gets up and turns quickly, reaching out to soldier and throwing him away with an invisible force like a circle of fire, a solar archmist power.
The soldier falls on the other side, fainted. Sinnlos gets scared and leaves everything running.
-Sinnlos! NO! Go back! -Startled by this, he tries chasing the unicorn, but realizes that he is alone. Try to remain calm and goes to the soldier fainted, walking very slow steps.
-Ouch ... What did I do? -The man had always been docile and incapable of hurting a fly, and was feeling the worst criminal in the country at that time.He felt the soldier’s heart. He’s not in another dimension now ... But I'll leave him here.

So a Virtrude appeared making a beautiful peep, a wonderful corner, stops behind him.
- Dray, I saw what happened. I know your name is Dray. What did you want to our species? –He’s suddenly surrounded by a bunch of birds Virtrudes.
- My mother wanted me to talk to you. She said you can take rain’s water from the Lucidians to us. You and the Pirates are our only source of crystalline water. But ... Look ... See what I did ...
-Stop blaming yourself. That's part of your nature. You're as wild as we Dray.
Another Virtrude, a bird child said: If humans and people here know that you are a ... a ... –The Virtrude child Hesitates to speak, looking for Virtrude Mommy .
And the Virtrude mother says: Do not tell. It can be shocking.
-They would respect you as a god.
Dray Orcen sighs.
- Please give me some water.
-We'll give you something better than this. -The Virtrude starts off close to the the Virtrude older and wiser, the Virtrude queen. She bring a pen with his beak until Dray.
-Put it as an accessory. If you feel like a part of us, part of the forest and nature. We, the pure in heart, we are only able to accept you completely.

-We will bring water for you. Meet us here tomorrow, overnight. And of course ... We will hide this soldier, he will not remember what happened and you will not be hidden from this, but there is one condition.
The Virtrude-Queen said: We help you. Make Happyard reborn. Bring back the rain, powerful son of the Sun God ... Make Abnormal return to the shadows from whence he came.
-I do not understand. I do not even have a father. My mother is the only thing I have left in life. I'm not married, have no children and no friends. How can I be the son of a god? And more... I felt the power of a hot sun in me .
-... You. .. Dray Orcen ... "The Loser" ... is an Archmist.
-You should have known this for a long time.
-But what is an Archmist?!
-You will know when that signal growing ... –The virtrude points to his forehead, a spiral of unicorn growing.
-Come on, let's go. –They started to fly to the trees at the top.
-No! Please! Wait for me! –Dray Orcen says seeing that festival feathers fall and deafening noise of flapping wings and flying around .
-Damn ... –He Guard off the jacket.

It was difficult for Dray thought the way home. Felt humiliated, a monster. He had much worse days, but that was the hardest of all.
-Archmist ... -This name Dray hammered on the head all the time .
-Whatis that. I have heard of warriors who use Anima to create energy, and Totems, but what the hell would do an Archmist? Animist?  A son of the sun god? Ah ... how people like to play with me. -He thought all the time.
-Mom . -Standing on the doorstep. A small farmin rural,Naturyard’s suburb.
-Open up, please.
Karen Orcen, the Dray’s mother said:
- My God, Andray! You're terrible, what happened?  -She said shocked hugging her son

-I do prefer not to say ... –He walked cold and bruised to the room.
-But you need to say ... And where is the Sinnlos? Do you won the contest? I could not turn on the television and see you.
-I just want to be quiet, mother.  –The eyes of him full of tears, but not crying .
-It was a horrible day, like everyone else.

The next day, Dray woke up much better.  He was more comfortable. His mother had made some minor juices with Alchemy spells, mixing some herbs and seeds. Dray drank everything to feel better, ignoring the horrible taste of it. When asked how she learned to make homemade magic, she never gave answers about it. He stood and noticed that the veins in his forehead were the only blemishes that have not disappeared. "This is a wound that will fade with time. Just wanted to stop the pain. "He thought.
Still yawning, going down the stairs and into the kitchen.
-Mother .. .-He hesitated to speak for a moment, breathing deeply and being seen by her mother making a delicious juice Cervalatte, a typical fruit farms in rural Naturyard.
-Yes, Dray? –She said looking closely while squeezing the juice delicious fruit in the cup.
Dray Orcen scratches his neck and looks up, then try to look at her eyes.
-Forget it.
-Andray, you are strange since the competition yesterday. I respect you for not wanting to say anything, but ... Say ... Whatever it is, I'll understand.
-Okay .. Look ... Mother .. It is a question somewhat intimate. You may want to hit me or think I'm being an idiot for asking this. -He smiled, trying to relax a bit, but is still very serious.
-Dray, what is it?
-You are a very attractive lady ... You are beautiful ... He Puts his hand on the table, walking with his finger, trying to use the right words . Before my father, you met someone? You know, someone with proportional beauty? Someone that looks like a god and ... Well .. -Nervous,  he scratches his neck again-... had something to do with him?
-I knew, yes, many beautiful men. Soldiersof Happyard. But what do you mean by "respect"? -She crosses arms *
-Mom … -He smiles a bit dull and red, looks down and then tries glance, still trying to look for another place in the kitchen.
-You know ... When a man loves a woman ...
-Are you asking if I had sex with someone before you were born?

Dray Orcen embarrassed, looking for the mother  answer:
-Your father was the only man in my life. –She supports the hand on the table.
-And he looked exactly like a god... Wow, Dray, who putted nonsense in your head? Do you think your father is not your father? Oh, I bet that was Molock... I told you not hear what this idiot says.
-No, this is not him. Mother ..-He spoke apprehensive .
-Why never talk about my dad? I need to know about it. How was he? Why did you leave? Please.
-Your father ... -Quite seriously and looking at the floor,  she pull up a chair and sits down
- Mysterious ... The guy who does not talk much and humble. I was in love with him this way. He liked to dress wearing a dark brown cape that covered up his face. He had an impressive warmth ... Yes .. Remembering uh ... having an excitation light ... It was an incredible heat! -She gives a smile. ... I never met a man so "hot".
Dray was wanting to scream "Oh my God! It can not be true! "
-And how did he leave?! Please, tell, tell!

Karen Orcen was very sad to remember that .
 -Andray, why are you doing this ... -Try getting up, going back to the juice to ignore it.
-Mother, seriously. How did he leave?
-When King Abnormal built his empire of darkness and threw Necromists... Your father disappeared... I was going to break the news to him that I'm pregnant with you, and then to come home and see that the sun is no longer there, I also saw that he disappeared. And never leave traces ... No one has ever found him.

Dray Orcen get away with firm steps back, also holding a crying stuck in the throat.
 -No, Mom ... I do not wanna be one of them ... I want to be normal. I want to be normal!
-One of what or whom? Dray, why are you so weird?!
-Mom, I'm a ...

-I can not say, but I need to leave this house. I need to fulfill a promise I made to Virtrudes. I need to find my place in the world and see how it could be useful, but first I need to know everything about Archimia. It's how you make the magic is not it? His father taught him to do them.
-Dray  ... You can leave the home. I knew a day would come that you would not want to stay here longer. Do what your heart tells you to.
Dray Orcen hugs strong his mother.
 - I'll be back, Mom. And I'll find out everything. I bring everything back to you: The rain, my father, my secrets ... EVERYTHING! *

Karen Orcen was trying to comfort the child, stroking his back and hugging stronger ... Look at the ceiling and then gently weeps .
-Also ... I'll miss you, but I know I will be happier with those who are like you. Find someone special, make friends ... Remember that it is not enough just to be somebody important, you need to be happy. I can not hold it here in the field, depending on money in racing. Go, Andray, and if you ever want to see me again, the doors are open.
She gives a smile after the tears, but a happy smile.
- I know you're okay. I always knew that is a part of the radiant sun that his father was: A fantastic man.
-I'll bring everything. I have enough power to do that. See me in a way never seen before ... I'll be doing what they should be doing for a long time. *
Dray kisses the hands of her mother, climbs the stairs, grabbing the backpack worn and taking with him his flute, he won enough money from racing and the map of the region Happyard Town with neighboring countries, as well as clothes to withstand heat and cold and go down the stairs and parting with a long embrace again, this time without crying, but with laughter and smiles of happiness, albeit with a great sadness hidden in their hearts.
-Goodbye, mother! We'll see you one day!
Far more a clear day not illuminated by the Sun of Happyard, the only one capable of bringing needed rain, but the sun with an almost fuchsia color, artificially created and placed as a satellite.
-I miss Sinnlos. Maybe I can ride a Moto-owl-cycle. I always wanted one. -The thoughts of him were going a mile a minute.
-Unfortunately I have to negotiate a Moto-owl-cycle with Morning Mages.  But that's not important. I have to make my way: First I go to the library to read about Archmists. I heard you have a teacher librarian that knows about Arts steer well know that all who enter there. E. .. ah –He raises his hand, making a slight flame between his fingers.
- And then I'm going to Lemuriah, to get a job. Naturyard can not have me until I know better what I am and what exactly I can do. -Opens a broad smile, when suddenly he hears a horse chasing him, but it was not exactly a horse, and yes, a unicorn extremely fast .
This was Sinnlos running as much as he can, close to the owner, inviting him to mount.
-Sinnlos, you always wanted to be on my side. –Dray opens an even bigger smile, running up and hugging him.
- Come! Come to the library. There's a lot I need to know. -Looking at the Unicorn.
- How'd you find me?
Sinnlos makes a sign, shaking his head upward and revealing light on his horn, which is fully connected to light at his owner's forehead.

Dray Orcen passes the finger on the forehead, feels he is way too hard and pointy .
-Wow, I hurt myself a lot. -Even without knowing what it is, begins to ride some streets with Sinnlos, but going for shortcuts deserts, taking care of the soldiers, until the two coming into an area where Sinnlos can not reach.

Dray Orcen go down the Sinnlos and look at that huge stone wall blocking access to the center of the capital Naturyard, where is the famous Cinema Diocturne. It seems that the strange event that had happened, the strange hours in the night had been almost eternal and had suspected a strange magic coming out of the cinema had aroused the suspicion of the King Abnormal on the center. He wanted to frisk everyone and that blocked access to a wall like a spider web made with Necromists.
 -It seems I'll have to do something here . Damn, I do not know what... If I were a fox ... haha ... I screamed like a fox. Maybe I could go through all that. Foxes go unnoticed by this place. There are many. Not even Sinnlos?
Sinnlos comes near his owner, until he pulls off that hung like a keychain on her backpack. The unicorn pointed a strange mental signal: Use it.
Dray Orcen  take small pliers and some small strands of wire pocket of the backpack makes a quick checkmark that he puts in the ear, in the middle of the other earrings.
- Not bad ... But that does not solve my problems, Sinnlos. I said I wanted to be a fox.
Sinnlos slightly laughing at his master, turning a bit.

-What's so funny?

Sinnlos did a sign for him to go to the small lake beside.

Feeling kinda strange, walking slowly to the lake, Dray exclaims ...
-WOW! -Looking at the reflection in the water, see that his face is fully furred and with a muzzle topping.
- I'm almost a fox ... But how am I going to do? I can not leave my clothes back nor my backpack.  It seems that really Virttrudes knows about my natural instincts, that I can be a fox. This penalty has already helped me enough.
Think back to being a man again, but while the process takes place, he runs into the lake, swimming not to appear that is completely naked ...
-Uh, this is dangerous ... Is it just me thinking about being a fox, and I can really be one. Sinnlos, is protecting my backpack, I'll get some clothes shop in Market street downtown with my fox form, and into human form with the library. -Get out of the water in the form of fox again. 

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