Chapter 4 - Sinkman story

Sinkman sat down with his happyardians friends on Cinema Diocturne and starts telling his story. First of all, he said he’s a superhero from Naturyard’s suburb. He suffered bullying, he suffered many discrimination for the be who he is and he was unemployed. After a flood in his city, he became this mutation between rat and human and he travelled for discovered why he’s this way.
It was a gray afternoon. Grey clouds, hiding a bit of the sun by the way. Sinkman walked some more, had heard complaints of an “otaku” short, chubby, with glasses and an inseparable backpack. Curious finding was the fact that he had written a letter asking him urgently to do something against that whole industry that was on one of the cities of Naturyard, close to Town center.
Sinkman was so tired that he said:
- waaaaah ... -Sleepy, throws his arms in the air, looking to the sky.
 -Gee, I must have walked by I dunno how long  time.  Glad I'm a rat and the path of the sewer was even more quiet and car-free,  a bit of piece to walk far. But still ... waaaaah .... –He said for himself yawns again.
-I'm broken. And if this is a hoax, that nerd needs to pay me by this.

He looked to the left and right, seeing many mountains covering a valley. A Red River apparently very dirty cut between the hills, because of King Abnormal’s corruption, he was polluting rivers.

-So ... Back , Duoriver...? Hum? - Reading the board welcomed the city .
-What a strange name. , I guess. But okay, here it seems to be nice. -He gave a small smile from the side, watching the dirt of the river.

So Sinkman took the manhole cover of the sewer, catching cockroaches and throwing them with his hands to the sides.
-Go, go dear. -He smiled looking at a cockroach resting on his finger, and then throwing it to the other side.
-My powers are growing increasingly ... - Kneel down and thoughtfully .

So Sinkman started to think: Controlling insects is nice, they do what I want, but I have learned that I should not have another animalistic attack again, fighting someone with my claws. Only in the last case, if I get angry. So, I have good weapons with me, scissors, syringes with toxic material can make someone pass out for long hours, in short, things that can keep my enemies occupied. But I will never kill someone.  And I miss having someone to talk to, in fact. Someone nonhuman like me.
Sinkman down in the gutter again -Sometimes drains are even more lonely, and it makes me paranoid satisfied me to hear my own echo. Hello? -The voice echoing in the background, three times in a row ,  at first it's pretty cool, like child's play, but it became repetitive.
-Would find a rat here? *-The voice repeating softly, "Would find a a rat here? Would find a rat here? Would find a ra...? YEEEES"

Sinkman immediately jumped back, tripping on the wall.
-YES? Who's there? -He took one of the syringes, already preparing for a possible duel .

A unknown voice said to him:
-Do not be afraid. I noticed your trip. You are very interesting, Sinkman.

-Who is here? I can not see you. Do not come, I’m armed and all will be well with you. –Said Sinkman.
The unknown still continued:
- I am an enemy of humanity. I'm dirty, rejected, smart. My eyes are like yours, but are more round. Look down, I'm near your left foot. –Lifting some of that dark and putrid water, leaves a rat mutant with one eye in the middle of the forehead, horns on the body and two tails.

-Pleasure. –The rat tried to get up and make a greeting worthy gentleman.
- My name is Dorian. Dorian the Terrible, or Dorian, His Excellency. But as you are one of my guys can call me Dorian.

Sinkman looked to him disdainfully .
-Oh! Cool! A talking mouse! And that has character name of English book on planet Earth. Excuse me, all right, I have better things to do. - He kicked the rat softly and started looking for other things that left the manhole.

- Hey! You're too thick. And so I think you're a nice guy. We are similar. Take me with you in your backpack. Maybe I can be useful. –The rat  moved the mustaches.

-Useful for doing what? Rat poop?

-My specialties: Gnaw locks, steal money, get into small holes to invade homes. These are things of interest.

Sinkman looked at the mouse mutant, arching an eyebrow.
- Yeah, now you spoke my language. –He smiled.
-And then, why are you different from other rats? Someone made you go down the toilet like me? You know, toxic effects on the blood?

-Yes. –Dorian  sat close to Sinkman.
-But I’m not not like you think. I came out ofLucid’s country, the size of the serious people, exactly where I even decided to call me Dorian, after reading some fun books of Oscar Wilde in a interesting planet Earth’s culture library. I took a ride in an airplane and the rest of the way as I saw you, I used to get many drains faster to my destination.

-And that means there are other evil industries outside that country, huh? I'm thinking of going there someday. I'm a Hunter.

-Yeah I followed you, I saw a bit of your whole life. We can do this: You put me in your backpack for a while and then leaves me free to continue following you. We can make a connection: You have the ability to see what I see. I can steal for you and others of my services, and all you have to do is feed me and avenge those who killed my children.

-Have you children, seriously? But you look so youthful.  -Ironic, still watching the rat with a face of disdain.

-Actually, I'm 60 years of age. I does not get older as a normal mouse. Just as you have a few limitations, like the fact of being destroyed by reverse those formulas that we were created.

Sinkman paused a bit.
He turned to the other side, stood, scratching his neck.
-Right ... -With his back to the Dorian, raised, still scratching, suddenly shows his left arm with a sign "OK" in hand.
-You go with me, but if you cause any problems ... If you betray my trust on you or even make idiocy of any rodent, you die, okay?

-Thank you!  -Shining eyes, tripping, goes near the Merdaman.
-Put me in the backpack! I want to go to the surface, and I know this town! I want to eat, eat and eat, I'm hungry, and it is you will give me food, is not it?

Looking at the mouse, Sinkman said: ... yes. -Took the beast anyway, by the the two tails and threw it into the backpack.

-COF COF! –Dorian coughed.
-Caution! Want to kill me in here? -Complaining voice muffled inside the backpack.
-Shut up, Dorian. -Shaking his backpack.
- I'm serious! I need to breathe!

Sinkman looked to the pointy nails of his right hand. Quickly throw the bag into the air and crusty nails tearing a hole in it for him to breath, taking the right hand and already climbing the stairs to the surface.

Dorian breathing:
- Much better ... – He puts the little nose in the hole that opened.

-And hold on, because climbing the stairs is one of my specialties. - In the middle of the long staircase,  Sinkman opens his arms as if he were falling back, but holding fast to the tips of the nails, it rises with the agility of a skunk running and climbing rooftops, climbing in a way that the backpack bounces violently his back, reaching the surface in less than 10 seconds.
- Haha -With a grin, looking at the gray sky *
-Let's rock this city.

-I think I'll vomit . –Said Dorian.

In Duoriver city, a spaceship came down to a building.
Tired of traveling, one of the most dangerous men of the whole universe. Gangster convicted, but extremely modernized, abusing formulas severely dangerous to modify the laws of God Sun. He was impeccable, always very elegant with its dark gray suit, pulling the black, putting over his coat and thus hiding one of his tattoos. He has many tattoos of gangs of each planet he was. Extremely strong, measuring almost two meters tall,  he is the kind of wall that would let any guy too afraid to cross his path. The face reveals a man of few friends, many traits in favor of his ill humor and slightly long hair, stuck at the shoulders, very gray, but at the same time very carefully. The coldness of the blue eyes gave an outline of what came to be the man behind all that striking appearance.
He goes down the spaceship by the ladder, sighed and picked up one of his favorite walking sticks, one with the head of an ancient demon and very sharp tip at the other. Observed their guards doing the work for him, as well as extending its red carpet for him to talk with the mayor and the owner of the plant.
-Alright, so here I am.  –He gave a cold and forced smile, already reaching out to greet the two mobs.
 One of the men in black, paid to deal with the security chief:
- Hey! Bring his luggage! We are here to stay!

The another thug:
-The worst ever left for me!  -Descend complaining and carrying that ton.
- Do not complain! Or the boss will hear us. - Helping the fellow to carry the luggage.
Placing a black sun glasses, and settling to train full of his Happyardian language accent.
-The city is quite peculiar, and the sun burns my skin fervently. - Looking around the top of the building .
-But lets get down to the gold mine, business. -He gave another smile.

The Mayor was there to receive him. A Necromist, left arm, very friend of the King Abnormal: -Come with us, we need to go down and get inside the plant, our workers are having lunch at the time andthey will not disturb.

After inside the factory, a reunion.
There was a meeting withimportant employers. All sitting, drinking coffee and discussing, watching the man sitting in the chair most importantly, asking their agents to explain carefully plans the plant be sold exclusively to him.
-Have you heard of genetics? -Supported by one of the staffs, picks up a cigar.
-Changes in chromosomes? For I give you the new archetype of humanoid. The Bio-Urbanoid-Human. -He gestured to the drawings to show for his helper.

The thug helper showing the very detailed drawing of a man full of veins in your body looks normal, but slightly more corpulent, tall and strong as an ordinary man. Close to what Sinkman has in his body, strange veins on muscles.

-You, you, the audience, have a good place for this project to be developed. It's a sleepy town, the countryside, and happyardians will not learn about our project until everything is ready to be used. The urbanoid human is a human who has chromosomes that go beyond the ability of their bodies merely humans who accept only able to have 46 chromosomes. He will also be joining the ability to integrate the chromosomes of animals tested in our labs, such as rodents, which have 42 chromosomes, as being superhuman, able to develop up to 200 chromosomes by a miracle of science. The DNA of these humans is linked to the fact that meats that are walking and thinking, with skills that no other man has ever dreamed of having. ​​Unimaginable parasites.
The men were sitting amazed at everything, some with their mouths open and visibly scratching his chin. One of them raised his hand. The worker asked:
-But these humanoids do not present a danger to society? And what is the purpose of a factory that works specifically with steel help to create these aberrations?
- Well .. –The gangster removed his sunglasses.
-Turn the page. - He pointed to the thug showing pictures of cells, also detailed images.
-Steel is one of the substances that reverse the situation of these people. With it, we produce some of the material that may destroy them, and so we can control these humanoids with the palm of our hand. Think, create manipulative humans and at the same time, I noticed, they can bring water for this region, they maybe can produce rain’s water with tears, fearing that the great weapon, that's us, they can never rebel against us, just doing what we want, or be thrown into a furnace of these giants that you have here. -He coughed and wiped his mouth with a cloth and continued staring and looks scared. -Think about it, there's big money at stake. I have enough money to pay three times the salary of these workers. -Stood and looked at the pictures, preparing for another explanation.
-With steel, we develop lethal weapons, causing slow and painful destruction of superhumans. You see how parasites work: We place within these humans, Ectoparasites, the Endoparasites, and hemoparasites. The Ectoparasites engage the outside of the body of your creature, or host, if they prefer ... The Endoparasites attack the inside of the body, and hemoparasites affect your bloodstream. Our parasite, called Parasite X-313, is responsible for affecting the entire body of their hosts. –He turns the page with his staff, showing a picture of a parasite extremely toxic red with green parts.
Another man asked: What if these creatures become zombies? Escape our control?
-That's impossible. They are creatures with above average intelligence, capable of detecting and connecting things that humanity can not. They have extra-sensory perceptions and an undeniable flair. The only problem is that ... -He hesitated a bit to talk about it.
-All Parasites are required, they live while the virus is alive ... While ... I have not seen any case ... -Scratching his chin, head down * ...of a Parasite Optional, these do not depend on the host to survive, which are really dangerous because they become indestructible, giving some thoughts own immortality and the creature that was deposited. THAT's what kind would rebel against us. And who would rebel against anything that he thought wrong in it, and will have to fix. But, fortunately, never seen any case something or someone who has this parasite.  And he maybe is pure heart enough to produces rain’s water with tears just like a guinea test. -Passing another sheet.
- Beyond the parasite, these superhumans have irreversible virus. It's our gift to Happyardians: We can decimate them when we want, simply submit our anti-virus against them, the gun opposite to what they were created. And here we find an easy way to create the greatest world power. -He smiled, showing a charismatic side, even for a man with a black heart.
 The men get up slowly, smiling and applauding standing.
-This is the future for Happyardians!!  -Some shouting in chorus, going to greet the man.
-We started working today!

Returning to Dorian and Sinkman, walking to a distant part of the city. Sinkman with mp3 headphones in his ears, up and down hills, finding the path in the roadfeeling heat, shirtless.
- Yeah, yeah…. –Listening to the sound of a heavy metal and having fun while watching some cars passing shot.
-I can not stand to hear you singing. When I can finally get out of here? –Said Dorian.

-Relax, Dorian, gonna take you out, I need to get some stuff inside the backpack. -Take the bag back and turned upside down, unzipping .
Dorian  falls on the floor.
-URGH!  -He exclaims.
-I can finally see the light again. And all I can say is that ... I really hate the sunlight, but until I'm thankful to see it. I wish it was a beautiful moon filled with cheese.
-We'll eat soon. –Said Sinkman taking a punk rock shirt in his backpack, a blonde wig. He begins to wear the shirt with the name of a punk rock band.
-Why the hell are you wearing shirt like this? This is no time to want to go to a rock show.
-This ...-He shows what he’s wearing, and takes one of the headphones.
-…Is my disguise. -Gives a smirk.
-Masquerade rocker?
-And why not? I take inspiration in my rock idols and try to get me more or less like them. Already dressedmany names. This darker side is much more accepted in Lucid’s country than here. It seems that this city is the most common one being folk rocker to be pointed out, then I will respect that not to give too suspicious. -Smiling and putting the wig, feeling a little difficulty, but, fitting firmly on the head .
The more they think I'm a rocker bum sleeping on the streets and search for food with a guitar during the day like a guy who does not deserve any support from society, is better, they neverwill suspect about a poor rocker.
-But what about your eyes? Do you think anyone will notice?! You need to hide it.
-Hide for that, Dorian? -He shrugged knowing he has black-red eyes like an animal.
-This is not a place where a rat man is usual. This is an inner city: There are people gossip here, as well as religious fanatics there are those who will say that your eyes are not of God or something. They'll be watching you like extraterrestrial. Still a bit of closed mind people who dows aceppt Necromists and Abnormal as king.
Sinkman stayed a little thoughtful, looking down and then looks at the rat .
- Yes .. But in this case ... I think I'll blow this place is, rather than save because I do not like this type of people.
-Do what I say: Hide your eyes.
-And how do I do that?
- It's just you think things clean, pleasant and not in the dirt of humanity. Think about things that you see in some movies like sea water, reflection moments or the sound of rain drops, I dunno, it's like doing a meditation, and your eyes return to normal color.
-But I feel good. I'm cool.

-You think you are, but is not. You're busy since you became the Sinkman, your body is full of small explosions inside.
-Okay .. -He closed his eyes and slowly knelt, putting his hands to the front. He tried to think on something nice, but the pictures of when he was little and his girlfriend who left in Naturyard’s suburb and things began to appear and it made him uncomfortable. Once thought how good it would be if he was a normal man, who had a good job and be successful with a huge house and 3 dogs, but made a face like he was drinking lemon juice sour, shaking his head. He began to think about the drops of rain, but thought it was raining when it was swept away by the flood. Nothing, absolutely nothing in this world, brought a sense of peace to it.
-Damn ... I can not ... -Opening her eyes.
-You can. Think of something that you really love ... There must be something in which you never trade, something that makes your life be better than it was before.
He closed his eyes again, this time more quickly. Unintentionally, came thoughts of thanking the people of different parts of the world. That man was never anyone in life, and suddenly became the most important person in the world. Gotta feel peace there: He realized he did not belong to her feelings. The host now no longer belonged to the parasite. The parasite wanted the world to him: The complete satisfaction of his desires since little child of change the world .
- I think ... I got ... -A faint smile on his lips, looks at Dorian with dark brown normal eyes.
- That's it! Good boy!  -Give some jumps already running up the backpack.
-We have now a destination: Finding the home of Urashi. -Grabbing the backpack.
-House of Urashi?
-This is the boy who wrote the letter. We caught the bus.  He left the address and put the name of the bus.  –Sinkman puts the headphones again.
-Great! We even get there before dark. Maybe he has something to eat.
- Is there one bus, red. -Pointing and motioning.
-But I think all the buses here are red, is not it? –Said Dorian with a bored face.
-This is red and has the numbers indicated on the letter. Let's go now you need to  gets quiet, do not want to cause problems with anything speaker inside my backpack.

-Okay, okay.
-Inside the bus and feeling a little uncomfortable with the stares of people. Never had caught a bus so crowded throughout his life. Not knowing what to do with so many looks, tried to say something to unwind
 -And then ...Hello!! Hahaha, oh, yeah! -Trying to act like a typical rocker in a small city and the passengers thinking: Junkie.
Sinkman thinking: Yeah, people here are half serious, as the boy wrote in the letter, or maybe they are just having a bad day. Oops! -He sees a kid come off the bench and will sit there where he was.  -Thanks, man! -Makes metal sign with his hands, smiling away.
The thoughts of the boy about him were: Junkie.
The smile of Sinkman sheepishly gets, until it gets too serious and thoughtful .
-This place is incredible... - Discouraged, starts looking landscapes, which became increasingly suburban neighborhood far away due to the boy just like he lives.
Sinkman still thinking :  How she lives far away! This is almost a complete trip to another city. But I do not care about that, never lived in an upscale neighborhood of Naturyard’s suburb, much less in an area near the center. It was only once I got to live, but with poor conditions. Here until everything is paved and cute, with nice houses, even in the periphery. Humm ...
20 minutes later.
-It's time to get down, sir. Nice to meet you. –Says Sinkman smiling friendly to the old man who sat near him on the bus and talked to the same. Had noticed that the city has many men as this, so he Pplls the signal from the bus and down excited.
-Are we there yet? –Asked Dorian.
-Pretty much yes. -Walking quickly to the house indicated. He does not know the city, but his perception of extra guidance, space, geography, indicated that he was not lost and that was where he should be.
-Where's the bell huh?  -Asks Sinkman looking at the door.
-Well, in the absence of bell ... Nothing that does not make a scream. -He prepared a boost in voice .
-URASHI!!-Trying to look inside the house.
Inside home, Urashi, the young otaku fanboy, playing keyboard a tune of some videogame he loves, listening to a "Urashi" in the distance.
-Must be spies. How will they discovered my name? - Going slowly lifted and that neither spy to the door outside.
- Hey, a guy very pale had there. -Stay another minute waiting for him to go away and breathe relieved that he had "given up".
-Damn Urashi ... Then opens the door. -On the roof of the house, Sinkman looking down and smiling soon.
- Your house is very good for climbing! Walls that resist harsh as well textured my nails! I like it. –He jumps in the front of him.
-Who are you? *-Urashi gives a couple steps back.
Sinkman stopped a little thoughtfully, the smile had become serious with this question, getting a countenance a little cold and stunned because not liked to think of himself .
-Well .. You wrote this for me. –He takes the letter from his pocket.
- I found it interesting to see that there are problems in other cities, since I knew only Naturyard’s suburb and few of Lucid’s country because of a friend, but never inside a city like Duoriver. Congratulations on your initiative of the letter. You're brave to write to a stranger.
Already getting some confidence begins to talk to the guy with his arms straight, as if it were an anime celebrating her presence .
-Yeeees! The amazing Sinkman! –Urashi hugs, leaving it a bit awkward and shy with that hug, doing manga movements with the left hand and signals of an anime.
-That's cool that you came!! -Broad and he gets the letter.
- I saw your picture in the paper, as the masked avenger called "Monster freak" and see what you've been doing for all.
- Yeah ... –Sinkman  scratches his own neck.
-I ‘m ugly in the newspaper photo. The guys can not take good pictures of me. There were leeches in Naturyard’s periphery, and I was playing in a little bar with my former band, the Psychoz, and these thugs attacked me. –He crosses arms.
- But I wonder how you were not afraid that I was one of them.
-Because I am one of those computer nerds who knows everything about a superhero and I saw many superhero characteristics on you. You are a real superhero and I’m so happy!!
Sinkman gets the letter again, looking at what she wrote:
- You said that suffers from a lack of jobs here also. People do not understand you very well ... Believe me, Urashi... –Says Sinkman looking with a look more like a fatherly look.
- I've spent so far like you. When I was younger, I created a fictional character called Psychoman, because I had no one to defend me in such a world. The people are prejudiced. I suffered in high school, love life, work ... Until ... – Heturns back slowly, looking slowly.

-So what ...?
-I became a projection of the hero that I created: Crazy, brave, fair ... –He turns to him again.  Not knowing what to say, just give a slight smile.
- And oddly enough, I'm making a reference, an icon.
-What up!  -Moves his arms to up
- But anyway, you made sure to leave your contact for the newspaper. I ventured on his part, but you could disappear leading his letters before anyone saw you in this place. How did that?
-It's simple. I gave the address of a place abandoned at the end of the world.  I was prayingby this place for days disguised as a garbage man. The mailman asked "Where is the street  of Sinkman" and I showed up and said "Here." And took the letters and went without a trace. The first one I got was yours and only two more. I wanted to try to be a hero in another city.
-Your reputation is already made in Naturyard’s suburb. That is fact.
- Can I use your bathroom? And do you have food? It's do not eat anything decent for days.
-Well .. –He lowers the head, looking to the sky.
-I can not let a outlaw man enter the house of an family’s boy! My family would kill me, the neighborhood also. Even if I rely too much on you.
Sinkman laughs supporting the body with one hand on the wall.
-I understand. Can I stay here out and you give me a glass of water and a piece of bread and if possible a little something for my friend.
-Which friend?
-This one.  –He secures the bag slowly, and opens the zipper up .
-You can leave Dorian! Responds!
Urashi says “…” waiting, while Sinkman perceives and also replies with “…” waiting.
-Dorian .........? Where are you?! –He shakes his backpack  and puts his arm inside her, realizing that it was more empty.
-Your friend gone.
-What if I find it, I end up with him. I told him not to betray my trust and do not stupid rodent things... –Says Sinkman looking left and right.

- Okay, okay, calm down, I'll get the water okay. Then you go out and search him. -Follows up walking home, stepping into the kitchen, gives a horrible scream .
-Urashi?! - Get the shurikens, running incredibly fast, kicks in the door, almost 'flying' into the kitchen.
- HERE HAVE A GIANT RAT!! –Urashi screams.
-Eating all I have!!
Dorian looked to the boy calm.
-I tried to explain to him, but he would not listen. -Holding a piece of pie with dirty mustaches coverage.
-How do you walked out of my backpack?! * Stepping aggressively until the mouse, eyes reddened again getting kind of fury, but only partially, giving a faint red glow closely *
-Sorry, I could not resist to sniff the smell of food. It was so close to me, when I asked if they have arrived, I could not resist biting into the bottom of your bag and escape. Do you want a piece?! -Asking as if nothing happened.
-Son of a ... -He put his hand in his hair, trying to control himself and stopped growling, looking back and taking a deep breath.
-That there, my friend.

Urashi sat down the chair looking like this is a portable monster or something like this, feeling like an anime.
- It is the most hideous rat I've ever seen! But at the same time it is ... So ... So ...
-Wild and nasty? –Asks Sinkman.
-Cute and tasty? –Asks Dorian burping.
-So KAWAII!! –With shining eyes, Urashi raises and embraces the mouse, already chubby from eating.
-Until recently you were in a panic, and now says he thinks it cute.

-He's gorgeous!!
-Nerds. –Says Sinkman embracing the arms.

-After being embraced,Dorian  jumps the table and goes to his room.
-See Sinkman! He has great stuff! Here has a keyboard, a guitar and and great animes, games and books. What a fun place.
Sinkman looking all pretty aware, capturing every detail with his eyes who can see much further than a human
- eeee, you have interesting things to a boy... 12 years, I guess ... I imagined that you were the kind of nerd who is only playing games on your PC.
-But in reality, I am. -Sit on the bed, a little frustrated now that they had already entered, no longer had to do, was plotting an explanation to give to family.
-Do not blame you, you do not have many interesting things to do here. E. .. I said that joking ... I've sniffed that you love to play games on the PC since I felt his scent. * Turn his eyes slowly and see all the beautiful things, in the middle, a guitar.
-And I "sniffed" you're an eye on her. Piss off. She is mine. -Give a little punch in the arm from mild Merdaman.
-I know kid. It's a beautiful guitar. I like that red. Could you lend me at least. You have a huge private world! Congratulations! I value people who are the world's richest and admirable inside than the exterior. My ... Ahn ... -Not knowing how to call the woman in periphery he left, hesitant to be his girlfriend or not, because she never said anything .
-My friend, the one I had a very strong attraction, had a certain passion for strange things: Paintings by Monet, Shakespeare, breeding snakes. She was divorced with two daughters and a physicist who is not even from those you see on. Not exactly the girl who men wanted to be beside I would say, she looks dangerous, but the kind of girl that only a special man could see its glow. You’ll understand when you grow up a little bit more.
-From the tone of these words pretty gay means you've used, I've noticed that you also sniffed that I'm single.
-It is difficult ...-Sinkman laughs of the boy, finding him very funny and picks up the guitar.
-But anyway? Why did we come here? What's this? What's so interesting about the letter? –Dorian asks for the both.

-There’s something wrong about a reunion here...  A gangster is doing things for the city now, people are saying it. And I saw strange things on the sky since he came just like toxic tests from an enterprise.  –Urashi explains making hand gestures .
-Like, I can not explain right ... weird  things... falling like snow.

-This is normal, I guess. –Says Dorian.
-It’s strange in fact.
-How do you so sure? Something might be going wrong.
-... What's this?! * Sinkman looks out the window *

An explosion occurs, the sixth sense of Sinkman says something about it.
-Whatta hell?! –Asks Dorian.
-It is normal too, I think.
-Raining green balls is normal? A fake rain of green balls?
-Green balls?
Sinkman stops and thinks more. He needs to go until this enterprise.
-Thanks for the letter, I’ll join this giant fortress. I’m coming to see what’s up inside. Come Dorian. -Already assaulting and putting more food reserve inside the backpack.
-And I thank you for that! –He gives a smile for the boy.
-That's why I wanted to use your bathroom ... –Sinkman  takes a special suit in another part of the pack, including the mask.

Sinkman opened the window and jumping out building by building until finally spotted that huge fortress and the green blobs that the boy saw.
-He's right. There's something wrong here, I smell rats close to here. I think the mice are connected, is not it Dorian?
-Animals can post messages. -Says Dorian inside the backpack.
Sinkman then began to climb that building until they chose one of the windows, the most fragile and broke open. He sniffed the place and felt on top, possibly on the top floor, there was a meeting that young otaku said there.
-More above, Dorian. -He prepared with shurikens. The scissors he uses not to fight but to break wires, pumps, chains.
-If I get on the elevator, I will be perceived, then the way is to take the path up the stairs near these furnaces.
Sinkman was slowly like a true ninja climbing the stairs-shaped snail to get to where the voices were noticeable. He stopped in the middle of a floor where he could feel the presence of a space ship out there. There was an important man in there and he knew. Gotta go through a door without being noticed, was walking down the hall, but when he realized, he led a coup of martial arts in the neck, fell to the ground and picked up by his own syringe that causes sleep, slept and woke up this nest of snakes, the villains were all looking at him through the security cameras.
Sinkman slowly opened his eyes, and there saw the big boss.
-Why are you here? And what is causing it in the city? -He said sleepily held by the arms by two thugs.
-Because mutants as you should be used as guinea pigs. Look. While asleep for hours, we did replicas of you in several. Hear my command, what is your name or number, sewer rat?
-And what do you care? -Strong, he reacts against the two thugs, forcing the muscles in his arms. -Dorian?!
The mouse responds nothing. He had been hiding under the table in the meeting.
-If it is difficult to handle a Sinkman, just imagine several. –Dorian thinking hiding under table.
Sinkman strangely felt comfort in seeing so many like him. Clones flawed because they did not have the same characteristics or even their appearance. They seemed really guinea pigs.
-I used his own syringe to attack you. It does not make any effect on you, but we have the potential to leave you out of here if we want. You're different ... -The chief approaches, removing his coat, showing all factions of tattoos he has.
-Sinkman. I've tried to choose several names, the pejorative maybe it was more enjoyable, but you do not expect about me is that ... -He picks up the tiny scissors rotating the two thugs, loose wires holding his wrists and so help himself as a rodent gnawing.
-I am smarter than you imagine. Do not underestimate a kid from the periphery.
-A fight hand by hand? You and I, Sinkman?
-Dorian, wherever you are, get freethe Sinkmen. -He thought for telepathy, trying to connect to the mouse.
-You got it. -Dorian began biting the shackles of them who were in a room waiting to be freed.
-You saidhand by hand, but what is it that you will use?
The chief had taken a machine gun, scaring everyone there in the room, including the workers.
-He's armed! -They shouted hiding.
The boss began to shoot Sinkman, that hehad crawled under the table after the meeting and slipped underneath the chairs, so he attacked him when he stopped firing.
-This is cowardice. -Sinkman threw his gun against the window.
-Now on to the fray. -Said he giving a sequence of punches.
The two fought like snake and mouse, a struggle between an old mob boss and hero wronged. Sinkman knew martial arts and ninjutsu mainly sweeps and thus gave him. Without weapons, the head was easily defeated, but at the last moment, Sinkman would never kill him. The two thugs revolted against him. Sinkman hurled his body and jumped up to push them against the door of the room and kicked the other who stopped at the table.
-Go away. There can be more contention here.
The other Sinkmen left the room and saw the scene, they helped workers who were frightened, and so it all worked there.
The chief stood still without giving up a loser. With this difficulty has risen fast up the space ship, but left much reviled for having underestimated the hero who saw that there was a pure heart in a world ruled by an evil king.
Sinkman became known and acclaimed by all workers and in Naturyard as a superhero who looks like a cop who helps people. The other Sinkmen became great helpers.
Returning to the heroes of Naturyard  at Cinema Diocturne...
-So this is my story. Who's next?
-I could tell mine. -Dorian said.
-No, Dorian, your story is very boring. -All laugh.
-Then it's my turn. -Pink Beard starts counting, excited. 

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