Chapter 2 - Geography

The Lucid's country habitants hates Naturyardians. It started since King Abnormal's domain. The Lucid's country are for Happyardians with Earth's philosophy: You need to work, you need to marry, you need to do somethings that are boring for kids or people that likes to have fun. In this country lives writers, poets, people who loves stayin drunk and tell stories. Still yet they have religion and it's not Alchemy as all Happyardians, but a religion of choose one ascended master and pass his teachings for one and another. They thinks Naturyardians are the heart of Happyard, but they are too kids for take care of a big planet, just like they do not enjoy to grow up, but it's not true about them.

In fact, Lucidians has still an amount of water because they likes economy, so they still have rain's water hidden with them. Naturyardians try to get this water to divide also, but it's too hard negotiation with them. So who does the job of steal water are the pirates and animals that do speak: Virtrudes, a race of blue big birds, ancient for Happyard.
The Diocturne's Island has many faculties for Happyardians, it's a place for schools. Many Happyardians go there for learning some new technique and it's also known as an school and treasure's island for pirates in sky and ocean.
Above, the nature's place, a place with unicorns and only nature. No one can say that owns this place, it's for visitors in spaceships. But Abnormal's king wants to own this palce also. It's full of waterfalls and people can even get naked for fun. There are no sins about it in Happyard. It's everything nature.
In Naturyard's suburb lives the poor Happyardians who wants to have a better place to live. They are happy like they are but the worst Happyardians lives there, just like the bullers, they have a bad education, but not all of them, just Happyardians with money between the poor.

Historical celebrities:

Aevariard: A female dragon warrior with a statue in the center of the Town's center. A black girl with blue eyes and white hair with a wonderful silver sword.

Jekyll: A misterious rabbit who takes care of the Cinema Diocturne. He's responsible for the fun in Happyard. No one knows his origins and he's ancient. He likes to send culture for the country. The king Abnormal hates him just because he's a joyful elder rabbit, but he still takes care of the Cinema.  He knows magic, music, many things. And he knows there's a clockwork hidden in the cinema as a portal for dimensions too.

The Night Mages: An old and traditional family in Happyard. According to them they are the first to join this planet. They are rich and traditional, taking care of night's animals and plants. They like to dress black, caldrons, brooms, everything traditional.

The Morning Mages: The family of White Mages, they are not traditional and it brings a bit of war between the Night Mages. These are mages who likes incense, crystals, tarot cards, classical music, new age music, to dress white and take care of plants in the morning and waterfalls also.


Subskyrins: Submarines that flies in the sky. Used for sky's pirates. It's a steampunk machine which has many formats, just like a chair or an airship.

Moto-owl-cycles: Motocycles that shines the night. Used by the both families of mages. These are confused with extraterrestrial sometimes.

Unicorns: A fast and usual transport especially for professional riders. Before the soldiers used to unicorns, but the King Abnormal has allergy related to them and he's chasing Happyardians who have this pet.

Mothrriage: The favorite Abnormal's carriage. Happyard's soldiers do use it. These vehicles are about giant moths who lets poison falls in Happyard's air, letting them with doldrums, exterminating dreams of the habitants.

Vintage pirate ships: When it's not about sky's pirates, ocean's traditional pirates do exists also, showing pirate ships full of dreams. They are useful for small wars against the Lucid's country for rain's water. Also they works for Naturyard, protecting and taking care of the habitants.

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