Chapter 3 - The day of night stopped

The guests were arriving the red curtains of the Cinema Diocturne, well filling the places that were getting very full and very empty at the same time, due to the size of the place. The Cinema Diocturne is the largest theater of the tiny country of Naturyard. The magic of Cine exists only for 'special' people, not for everyone.
Among the red curtains, entered a rabbit whose baroque outfit was able to command respect everyone's place. There was an old rabbit, but a rabbit is not brand new, not a youngster, it's just a rabbit without any measurement of time and old age. An elder, powerful rabbit. The rabbit gets a monocle on the table and puts in his right eye, this monocle has the power to visualize each of the special guests that night. In their real essences, in their real colors. Jekyll, which is how he likes to be called, is the one who enforces the rules of cinema, and the one at the same time takes care of all the magic of the place, the music, the fascination. Nobody knows about his origin, but everyone knows he is the essence of the place, and without it, nothing within the Cinema Diocturne would be able to exist on its own.

Jekyll says:
 Well  - He straightens better the  microphone. A retro microphone and dusty, brown and made of wood.
- humph ... - Straightens his monocle, pulling a piece of paper out of nowhere, as if by magic
- Today, for the first time, the doors are locked here. So, I decided to unite you all here, since the pirates who live on islands around our country or – Looking to the Pink Beard. Take a small time on speak.
-Even the superheroes ... -  Looking to Ren, Dorian and Sinkman .
- Traditional families … -He looks for the Night Mages. The White Mages was just sleeping at this hour of night. Lady Morgana makes a friendly sign for him with his left hand, sending a kiss and then smiling like a fangirl, what makes Jekyll a little bit “shy”.
- The reason is very simple.  - Jekyll has a very beautiful voice, velvety tone of the night .

Dorian, Sinkman’s pet, a mutant rat says:
-What motive would be more important than eating?  The filled mold excite me!  -Shining eyes, he is standing on the table, drinking a juice extremely red, Cervallate.

Sinkman says:
-Food is not all, Dorian. Lets explain, this weirdo rabbit ... -Smoking lightly, something that he only makes much socially, but lately has dropped this habit with a bored face.

-Can you trust a rabbit named Jekyll? It must be a two-faced. –Said Dorian, that reads some books from Earth also. Whispering in the ear of Sinkman .

- I trusted in a rat named Dorian ... –Sinkman grabs a deck of cards on the table and starts to play with them, dragging the chair a little farther back, putting his feet on the table and playing cards on. – And I know you are not  unpredictable as the legendary monster man in the portrait.

-Oh, you never supports me ... – Says Dorian with a sad face.

-And you never understand the things in question. –Said Sinkman.

Morgana Fada, looking to the both discussing, up from the chair playing a ball of paper that she did with the napkin at Sinkman.
- Hey! Heeey! Do you wantto shut up?!? C’mon! -Like a spoiled child, shaking in his chair, she continues.
- I want to hear what this pretty bunny has to say!

-Turn your spell for yourself, witch fifth category.  -Said Sinkman. He arches an eyebrow, looking with disdain for Morgana.

Sinkman, your fate has already been drawn, one should not expect dignity coming from the sewer!  - Morgana crosses arms, tucked.

Do not fret, Morgana, I'm so not to lose his head in the middle of a dinner ... Guests will want to vomit! –Said a zombie Morgana resurrected with her power, just like a doll for to her boyfriend.

Across the cinema, or more background along with the table of special guests, Pink Beard and Ed Fada plays a little bit. The pirate and the coward man who thinks about conspirations all the time. An adopted boy from another planet.

Pink Beard says to him:
- Oh, Ed, you definitely have an enviable hair! -Combing the almost 5 strands of hair on the bald softly .

-O-o-o-o-thank you!!  -Ed says happy, straightens the little toe sheepishly *
-You understand the hairstyles!- He continues.
- The pink Beard is very ... chi ... chi chi .... ... chic.

-I did a specialized course with mermaids. Not that this is a big deal, but these women really understand beauty and fashion. –Says Pink Beard, giving the last adjustments, it plays the wires backwards.

Jekyll continues, seeing people are not having attention on him.  Reluctant to say what I would say. He thinks a more and pulls the curtains behind him, so that they are fully open, revealing rusted metal gears.
 -This is the fuel that moves this clockwork gear. -Sad he says, grabbing a chair and sitting down. Opens the piece of paper he had taken.
-Within this role there is the name of our saviour  -With a voice more hoarse cough before saying the name that is very special to him ... -Dray Orcen.

This name causes a shocking reaction to all the guests, looking attentive to Jekyll, evenSinkman, almost falling off the chair and Dorian spitting the juice.

- I can not believe you found his name! How did you manage? I demand evidence. -Says Merdaman, knocking firmly on the table, with the sense of justice and anarchy that he has.

Jekyll looking for serious Merdaman with the monocle says:
 - I did not find out his name.  He came in my visions, while singing a song about the movie, our beloved hymn, I could see the reflection of a red-haired man sleeping in his room on the other side of our giant dimensional screen. It’s connected on planet Earth.

-And is he alive? My God, this is the discovery of the century!! He’ll bring back the rain. He’ll kick Abnormal’s ass. Why did you decide to live in the midst of a world so gray, so ... serious?

-Because ... It was necessary that he was "the other side" so that all the sadness he feels turned into a warrior for operating the Cinema Diocturne portal. It's hard to explain, dear Morgana. But ... The wheels ... The gear. It can not run, it never managed to run, then we can not get in touch with him and his world. While the machine is stopped at Cinema Diocturne, we will never be transported: He comes here and we go there maybe, or we just causes a new person here, he as an Happyardian, we can visit whenever we want. It would be wonderful!
-The rabbit  puts his paw thoughtfully on a wheel, trying to run it manually, but seeing that this is impossible.

-God knows what he does, Jekyll. –Says Dorian sitting on desk.
 -Perhaps beings would be contagious to the size of the Earth. None of us here love to watch the movies of human, their customs, behaviors, they frighten us. – Dorian crosses fingers of the paw her face was turned down, sad.

-But there are certain things that so A MA ZING! Look at the arts and artists, and the parades, hair, oceans, ships, and architecture! There is still hope to breathe out there, darling! –The pirate Pink Beard boot hands on his hips, like a queen.

-Silence ... I sent him a letter today, and I sent my picture too.  He seems to have enjoyed.  He said I'm cute. – Says Jekyll.

-It is most certain!! – Morgana commemorates.

Across the room, looking for head now lying on the floor, rolling around, Morgana’s boyfriend looks to her.
- Morgana, control yourself!

- I identified with him. –Says Ren, a legendary girl who controls a subskyrin. But do you not think it would be better that we just tried to turn this thing around? – She rises of the chair, go to the stage, where is the gear and the movie screen behind and gives a tremendous kick into gear .
-AH ... AHHHH! That hurt! -Falls on the injured knee on the ground .
-Why should this drug not to move?!

Jekyll looking Ren scared to play on the floor, feeling ashamed of others .
-I dont know the answer, but it seems to need a magic word. A little push. Something special for our hero. Maybe something material, maybe someone, maybe something abstract.

Sinkman get up from a chair, going toward the gears
- Let's spend good energy to it. We do not know what the future of this warrior. If she can find the magic word that turns the gear, our music, culture, poetry, will be immortalized in this dimension on Earth.  -Sinkman puts his arm in gear and closes his eyes... -We love you.

Jekyll  closes his eyes, also pressing the wheels.
-We'll get this move, FORCE! FORCE! Help!

Right now, all the guests rose and went to the gears, put their hands one by one, to the last remaining, the screen was seen spiraling giant, golden, no one knows what happened at that moment, Cinema Diocturne but there remained locked and mysterious, and that night was slow to dawn, causing dismay of residents from Happryard. Time stopped.
-What happened? – Dorian asks.
-It seems we are locked here for a long time. –Sinkman looks feeling the time stopped.
-I don’t know how to explain but, it looks like we have another dimension or we bring someone to here. In another way, another body.
Pink Beard sits again thinking in something.
-I have a better idea. Why we don’t talk about our adventures before the morning appears?
One looks to another. It was really a good idea.
-Yes, let me starts with mine. –Sinkman says.

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